Super Dogs

The best Dogs

The Menu

Hover Over an Item for its Price

Meet the Crew

Ian lai

Manager of the main (and only) branch, Ian Lai is the man in charge solving all of you problems of under/overcooked dogs.

"This job is my 13th reason why." -Ian Lai

Gavin Linang

Employe of the main (and only) branch, Gavin Linang spends most of his days and nights in the store. Heck, he LIVES in the store.

"I havent sleept for a week" -Gavin Linang

Tyler Lien

Butcher of the main (and only) branch, Tyler Lien is the best buther in the west and creates undercooked and overcooked sausages making every dog unique.

"I be beating that meat" -Tyler Lien

Joe Mama

Employe of the main (and only) portable branch, Joe Mama enjoys making little kids happy with his big dogs and getting paid.

"Those kids LOVE them some big DOGS" -Joe Mama

Employee of the Month

David White

"I didn't pick him as employee of the month...WHO IS HE?!?!? FIRE HIM!" -Ian Lai

Super Dogs ©